Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 4 of 14
Have you ever been afraid, doing something that you KNEW was right, but the obstacles seemed overwhelming? Have you ever been paralyzed by fear of the unknown? Believe it or not, many others have been down those same paths.....let's look at examples.
Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 5 of 14
Have you ever stepped in to help someone who obviously needed some assistance? Have YOU ever been in a desperate situation where someone offered to help you? Were you willing to accept that help? Let's talk about it.
Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 6 of 14
Hidden things...things unknown to you can sometimes disrupt your life. When something unexpected catches you off-guard, how do you react? Have YOU ever hidden something that when revealed catches SOMEONE ELSE off-guard? How did they react?
Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 7 of 14
Lesson 6 talked about hidden, unexpected things. Lesson 7 here talks about events beyond ANYONE's control, except God Himself. Have you ever been in a dangerous, life-threatening situation? Did you pray? Why, or why not? Is peace possible?
Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 8 of 14
Questions of faith seem to often occur when facing unforeseen obstacles....in this lesson we confront trials or challenges that seem insurmountable. WHY do we have challenges? What do you do in those situations? Does faith help? Is it required? Why should I have faith in God? [For more MPT#4 photos from Day 29, click here.]
Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 9 of 14
Water is an amazing substance, combining 2 gaseous, flammable elements that result in a molecule that can present in 3 different states, depending on the temperature. And it was the ONLY material that God created and shaped on Day 2 of Creation. Let's examine a little more closely this essential ingredient for life on this earth.
Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 10 of 14
Where did life begin for you? Where did YOU grow up? What values were passed on to you as you began this eternal journey of life? [Remember, EVERYBODY lives forever....we just get to choose WHERE we would like to spend that life.] Let's explore!
Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 11 of 14
We sacrifice for others, and others sacrifice for us. But what IS a sacrifice? Why do we sacrifice to God? In what form is that sacrifice? Are there some sacrifices that God does NOT want? What sacrifices ARE acceptable to Him? Let's check it out.
Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 12 of 14
Satan is a MASTER deceiver, who fashions himself to be equal in status to God. He tries everything in his power to fool human beings, created in the image of God, to be distracted, discouraged, and dependent on anyone BUT God. What strategies does satan use? [To explore the story on Day 96 more in depth, click here.]
Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 13 of 14
The Bible says that God is LIGHT. That means that on Day 1 of the Creation week, God took a characteristic of Himself, and made PHYSICAL LIGHT. And LIGHT, which scientists today still can't really define, is so much more than VISIBLE light. And then on Day 4, HE created a specific sources of LIGHT for our benefit. Oh....and He made the starts ALSO. [Genesis 1:16] Let explore this a little further.
Lessons from Orlando to Alaska – FAITH LESSON 14 of 14
In this Lesson 14, the last lesson in this first of 2 sets on FAITH, we looked at how thankfulness is an act of FAITH, of gratitude for receiving something that we do not deserve, and demonstrating that gratitude by GIVING to others. Who has given to you?
One Day
The importance of just one day....miracles can happen, or lives can be destroyed. What can God do with YOUR "one day"....the day that is TODAY?! Let's explore that.
Pilate asked Jesus, "What is truth?"
In the Gospel of John, he records Jesus using the word "truth" dozens of times. What did Jesus mean that He was THE Truth? And that what He said WAS true?
How do we know Jesus really lived? What is a lie? And what is TRUE? Let's discuss.
Jesus revealed that His purpose on earth was to testify to the TRUTH. But is there evidence that we can investigate to verify that statement? What are the CLUES that will help us solve this? Where do we look? What data do we have?
Okay, so even the Angry Birds have discovered that there IS a real source of contentment. There is contentment and JOY available for all of us who are made in God's image. In fact, God Himself experiences joy and contentment. Let's check it out.
Holy, Holy, Holy
As stated by the late R.C. Sproul: “God alone is HOLY in Himself. The word holy is used as a synonym for His deity and calls attention to ALL that God IS. It reminds us that His love is holy love, His justice is holy justice, His mercy is holy mercy, His knowledge is holy knowledge, and His spirit is holy spirit.” Let's examine.