God IN us!
At the Tower of Babel, maybe a couple centuries after the Great Flood, after the people disobeyed God, the ability to speak a language that everybody understood was taken away. However, 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit was given to all the Believers, and suddenly everybody could understand everything that was being said. What did it mean, now that the Good News was available to everybody? What value does the Holy Spirit have in this New Age? Let's talk about it.
Do you want to be happy?
Since the foundation chapters of the Bible [Genesis, chapters 1-11] declare that we are made in God’s image, we have something that no animal has....the ability to understand and communication with the Creator of all things. In what ways can this WISDOM, this LIGHT from God affect our daily lives? Let’s explore.
God IN us!....part 2
How do we get MORE of God in us? The Holy Spirit is already there, as it says in Ephesians 1, but can we actually hear from God? Can we have MORE of God, and can we know Him better? How? Let's check it out.
Are there contradictions in the Bible? There are some who make claims that the Bible has errors, and therefore cannot be relied upon for objective truth. What are some of these claims, and are they legitimate? Can we rely upon the Bible? Let's do some digging!
Is the Bible the only book we should read....what about other books? Can we trust God to give us wisdom in our reading? If we are supposed to give a REASON for the hope that is within us, how do we do that? Did the disciples read other books? What does GOD think about this?
What is the church?
So, what exactly IS the church? Where did the word "church" come from? How does it tie into Peter's confession of faith at the wicked venue of Caesarea Philippi? What was the point that Jesus was trying to make? For that matter, did Jesus possibly POINT somewhere when making that statement? How effective was the movement that Jesus was initiating? Let's check it out.
Details, DETAILS!
In this Bible study we are going to be talking about “Details, DETAILS!” Does God really know about the details of our lives? EVERY day? Of EACH person on the earth? Is that possible? Let’s check it out! (And you can warm up by reading Palm 139:15-17)
ALL Things Revealed
Are family members and loved ones who have died actually watching us on earth? Can God see EVERYTHING we do? Can He know EVERYTHING we even THINK?!? What does the Bible say about this?....let's check it out!
THIS Day – An O2D
If you had $1,440 given to you every day for a year, with the only stipulation that you had to spend it EACH day....could you do it? Well, that is how many minutes GOD gives us EVERY day to spend, to decide what to do with that gift, that time. One of our study group heard that we each make 30,000 decisions EACH day.....what things will YOU decide to do today?
Are you NOT humble about being humble?
Reverend Dr. William Davis “W.D.” Judge and his wife, Mother Carrie S. Judge were stalwart leaders in the Central Florida Community. Dr. Judge was a President Emeritus of the National Primitive Baptist Church School Congress, along with many other titles. They founded Antioch Manor, a apartment community for seniors and physically challenged persons, established in 1981 on Country Club Drive in Orlando. And yet they BOTH were HUMBLE individuals. The Bible MANY times calls for US to humble....but how do we do that? Let's check it out....
Have you ever used sarcasm? Has anyone ever been sarcastic towards you? What did it accomplish? Is there EVER a place for sarcasm? Can we find mocking in the Bible? If so, how was it used? We are going to explore our OWN speech and behavior, and see if it honors God.
The last few weeks we have been examining our own personal speech, and if the things we think and say MATCH our intentions. This week, we examine how Jesus and some of His disciples used their gifts in teaching others. What was THEIR example? What was their motive? Let's check it out.
Thought Graffiti
This week I have been thinking about graffiti, and how sometimes our good thoughts are defaced, or even ruined by graffiti that we “write” on our thoughts. We let our thoughts go places that we know that they shouldn’t go, that God would not be pleased with.
Or we even let OTHERS write graffiti on OUR thoughts. [Why do we do that?!] Let's examine....
Appreciating Grace
If we have to sacrifice something, what does that mean? You give up your own self interests to help somebody else, or do something for the benefit of somebody else. Has anyone ever sacrificed for you? Have you given up something for somebody else? What does it mean to "give a sacrifice of praise" to God? Let's explore....
Free! Free Palestine!
Cries of Free Palestine! have gone out across college campuses around the country....but what does that mean? What IS Palestine? Who are the Muslims, and why do many of them hate Jews? And WHY did Saudi Arabia and Jordan help DEFEND Jerusalem in the recent Iranian attack?
In this first of a 2-part series, we will briefly explain the origins of the Muslim faith, and later the origins of the Jewish faith, and how it pertains to the land known as Palestine.