Jesus, in John 7:38
In 2021, in response to rapidly shifting changes in societal culture and priorities, a name change for our congregation was prayerfully made, to reflect an emphasis on the truth of Scripture, and a sincere desire to get to know God better, and HIS plans for each of our lives. The new name: The Church of the Springs.
In February of 1964, some 30 families, comprising 76 church members, met and determined that it was the will of the Lord to form a church near Sanlando Springs. It would be named: The First Baptist Church of Sanlando Springs.
In April 0f 1964, the Nationwide Church Bond Company was contacted, and with the completion of the program, some $15,000 of the $18,000 in bonds were sold. On Mother’s Day, 1964, ground was broken, and construction was soon underway.
On August 23, 1964, the first service was held in the new building. Loyal members, friends, and visitors swelled the attendance at the first service to a total of 80 people.
Assisting in the constituting of the church was the Executive Committee of the Seminole Baptist Association. On September 20, 1964, led by ministers of the Association, the church was constituted with 52 resident and 17 non-resident members. There were 52 members gathered to vote and accept the constitution, by-laws, and Articles of Faith. Lewis D. Haines was called as the first Pastor.
The Lord greatly blessed the church during those first 3 years, as many organizations gained strength and were recognized for their growth. The WMU and the Junior G.A.'s, as well as Sunday School, Training Union, and the Brotherhood were all honored by the Seminole Association.
By 1966 the church was out of space, and expansion could no longer wait. The church voted to build an Annex to the south of the present building. The sale of the remaining bonds would finance the cost of the construction. In May of 1966 the church was again in a period of construction, just 2 years after the first ground had been broken.
In 1967 the new Annex was completed, and clearly the Lord was again leading the church in a building program. A large sanctuary was needed, and plans were made to increase the size of the existing building. Without visible signs of financial ability for construction, the church voted to enter a building program with the extension of the existing building to the east 62 feet, and to proceed as finances were available. In February of 1967 ground was broken, and the church members began construction.
After more than 30 years in ministry, Rev. Lewis Haines announced his retirement in June of 1975, having served almost 11 years at FBCSS. The responsibility of locating a new Pastor was given to an elected committee of men and women.
In May of 1976, Rev. Paul E. Murphy, Jr. was called as the new Pastor. At that time the Sunday School had an enrollment of 77, with an average attendance of 53. The morning worship service had an average attendance of about 100, and the gross income for March of 1976 was $1,674.43.
Soon after his coming to FBCSS, Pastor Paul showed leadership in several important areas. Trustees were elected so that the Church would have officers to carry out duties common to that office. To help give the Church financial direction, the Church's first budget was drafted. The original church sanctuary, associated classrooms, and the educational annex were equipped with central heat and air. A bus was purchased by the Church for special activities and transportation.
The increased growth of more than a dozen residential areas such as Wekiva, Hunt Club, Sweetwater Oaks, The Springs, Jamestown, Spring Oaks, Knollwood, Apple Valley, River Run, Bookhollow, Villa Brantley, San Sebastian, and others, all within a 3 mile radius of the Church, was reflected in a growth in membership and attendance at all activities.
On September 30, 1978, the Church had a total membership of 282, with an average Sunday morning attendance of 200. In September, the average in Sunday School was 131, with an enrollment of 197. The gross income of tithes and offerings for September was $7,051.85.
Ground breaking for a new 550 seat Worship Center took place in March 1979. Pastor Paul Murphy dedicated the new sanctuary in January of 1980....
After 45 more years, of up and downs, fires and Covid-19, arguments and reconciliations....we have put our foot down and declared, “We WILL lift up Christ let HIM do the drawing.” [From John 12:32-33 Jesus spoke to the crowds in Jerusalem, the week before He died: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth [on the cross], will draw all people to Myself [Gentiles, as well as Jews].” He said this to indicate the kind of death by which He was to die.”
We may be small, but we are committed....we WILL pray, OFTEN.....we WILL study the Word, individually and in groups (Tuesday at 11, Wednesday night at 6:30, and Sunday at 9:00 am), we FOCUS on growing closer to God, and learning His purposes for our lives. And we WILL choose to love each other as much as we love ourselves.
Dear God, we look forward to more and more of YOUR wisdom and strength. Amen!