Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 1 of 14
All of us know the benefit of sacrificing of our money, talents, and time to help friends and family. But unlike sacrifices in the Bible where animals were killed, we are encouraged to give of ourselves as a LIVING sacrifice. What's the difference? Let's check it out.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 2 of 14
In Malachi 3, last book in the Old Testament, we find the only place where God actually says that we should TEST Him, to determine if He is keeps His promises. And then He says, if we SEEK Him [ask Him about stuff, search for Him, and rely on Him, and TRUST Him], He will BLESS us more than we can imagine! Let's check it out.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 3 of 14
As pointed out in Ephesians 6, a soldier for Christ wears a variety of gear, each item for a specific purpose. This includes the sword, which is the only tool of OFFENSE in spiritual battles. So use it! If your opponent says he doesn't "believe" in your "sword" [believe in the BIBLE!], keep fighting! Your opponent will quickly believe in your sword, or die. Let's explore how to use the tools [the Word] in what situations, AND how Jesus Himself believed in Genesis, and used it many times to make His points, including HIS definition of marriage.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 4 of 14
Ever tried to figure out if the thought you had was actually God leading you? Or was it just your own thinking? How can we KNOW?! Let's explore how people in the Bible were able to distinguish how God was truly leading them.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 5 of 14
Probably the question that gets asked more than any other, is WHY? Why does God allow suffering? Jon explains in this study one example from his MPT #4, when the delays of Day 100, brought opportunities to share the TRUTH of God on Day 107.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 6 of 14
Jesus, Peter, Paul, Daniel and many others described the UNSEEN battles that are going on all around us. Stay alert, and prepare yourselves for these spiritual battles.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 7 of 14
Vigilance is the word for this lesson. Life is a CONSTANT endeavor to allow God to be more and more at home in our hearts. But how do we do that? Let's explore.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 8 of 14
If you don't know what to do, have you asked God? And if you have, has He answered? If He hasn't, what might be the reason? What CAN you do when you don't know what to do? Let's check it out.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 9 of 14
h-oh. You think you've finally got it all together? Pretty proud of yourself? What do you think that GOD thinks about that? Let's see.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 10 of 14
So you think your truck will fit under that bridge? You think YOUR way of getting into heaven is sufficient? Think again. What system has been set up, the bridge that we must cross, to get to heaven? Let's check out the options.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 11 of 14
We make literally hundreds of decisions every day, some major, some tiny. But EACH decision will be indicative of your values. Let's examine ourselves, and see if the choices we make are good stewards of our time, talents, and intentions. Is GOD honored?
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 12 of 14
Talking about Alaska did not get me there....but visualizing it, and pursing it eventually made the impossible POSSIBLE. Let's look at how some Biblical characters acted out their faith.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 13 of 14
I always wondered why many of the religious authorities in Jesus' time were not in awe of the miracles being done right in front of them. Have YOU ever experienced unexplained events that you saw as miraculous, but others tried to dismiss? Let's discuss.
Orlando to Alaska Lessons – [Book 2] FAITH LESSON 14 of 14
Faith is so vital for our lives, but what makes faith effective is the OBJECT of our faith, the ONE in whom we have our faith. Let's see if YOUR faith is pointed in the right direction.
To morose or not to morose
Can we have joy in the midst of pain? Can we be glad when we suffer physically or mentally? What is joy, and is it appropriate when we or others suffer? Let's discuss.
The Royal Law of Love
Loving others – doing for others what you want them to do for you – is promoted again and again in the Bible. Even loving your enemies is the new rule Jesus gave. But how do we do that?! Let's see what the Bible says....